Friday, October 9, 2009

Feeding and a 1 and a 2

Your puppy is outside for a good twenty minutes and them runs back in your house only to poop or pee on your carpet. Don't know why they will pick the carpet when an easy to clean tiled area is only a few steps away.  It must be a puppy rule.

Simple steps you can do to avoid this. It takes some effort on your part. Don't assume your puppy knows why he is outside. Puppies have short attention spans and are easily distracted.  I live in an apartment so my puppy was always on a leash when outside and I made sure he peed while outside. Use key words words when your puppy relives himself. Or give cues like, "go potty" remember dogs have very limited vocabularies. Keep them short and try not be a broken record saying it ten times in a row which  will only confuse the dog.

Accidents happen. Don't rub your dog's nose in the pee. Use a low growl command, " no" and take the puppy to a designated pee spot as soon as possible. Clean the stain with an enzyme pet cleaner. This will help discourage your pet from using the spot.

My puppy was very regular, within 5 minutes of eating he would poop on my carpet. I quickly learned to be prepared to take him out right after I feed him. While training, feed your puppy three times a day. Dividing his total food intake into three portions. Put the food down give him a set time limit (15 to 20 minutes) and then take the food away. Don't leave food in the crate. Only feed in the crate to entice your puppy to like the crate or get over their fear of the crate.

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